A channel on the network can have six different kinds of users. You might think of them as levels of permission and access. They are, in increasing amount of capabilities:

  • Regular User
  • Voiced, VOP or +v
  • Half-Op, HOP or +h
  • Op, Auto-Op, Full Op or +o
  • Super-Op or Admin, SOP or +a
  • Founder, or +q

Click on the links above to learn hot to set each level. Regular users and voiced users have no power over how the channel is managed. Everyone else has at least some control over who can be in the channel and general channel management.

The channel founder has the highest level of control, with the ability to remove or set any of the lower access levels. Only channel founders can set a channel successor or change the ownership of the channel, which is why we do not recommend having more than one founder for a channel. See tips on How to Choose Staff for Your Channel for more details on how to choose people to trust with your channel’s management.

The table below shows some of the channel management capabilities that are used most often:

Capabilities VOP HOP OP SOP Founder
Can speak when channel is moderated (+m) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Can change channel TOPIC Yes Yes Yes Yes
Can change Channel Modes (*) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Can Kick/Ban users with lower status than themselves Yes Yes Yes Yes
Can Voice/Devoice users (+v) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Can Half-OP/DeHalf-OP users (+h) Yes Yes Yes
Can use Botserv (/bs) commands Yes Yes Yes
Can OP/DeOP users (+o) Yes Yes
Can view/add/remove AKICKs Yes Yes
Can SuperOP/DeSuperOP users (+a) Yes
Can add successor Yes
Can add founders (not recommended) Yes

*See the Channel Modes page for details on which modes can be set by which levels. For instance, only the founder can link the channel (+l).


—posted by Tengrrl/Bunny