NS Services Admin Commands
Services admins can also drop any nickname without needing to identify for the nick, and may view the access list for any nickname (/msg NickServ ACCESS LIST nick).
Syntax: /msg NickServ LOGOUT [nickname [REVALIDATE]] Without a parameter, reverses the effect of the IDENTIFY command, i.e. make you not recognized as the real owner of the nick anymore. Note, however, that you won't be asked to reidentify yourself. With a parameter, does the same for the given nick. If you specify REVALIDATE as well, Services will ask the given nick to re-identify. This use limited to Services admins.
Syntax: /msg NickServ DROP [nickname] Without a parameter, drops your nickname from the NickServ database. With a parameter, drops the named nick from the database. You may drop any nick within your group without any special privileges. Dropping any nick is limited to Services admins.
Syntax: /msg NickServ LIST pattern [FORBIDDEN] [SUSPENDED] [NOEXPIRE] [UNCONFIRMED] Lists all registered nicknames which match the given pattern, in nick!user@host format. Nicks with the PRIVATE option set will only be displayed to Services admins. Nicks with the NOEXPIRE option set will have a ! appended to the nickname for Services admins. If the FORBIDDEN, SUSPENDED, NOEXPIRE or UNCONFIRMED options are given, only nicks which, respectively, are FORBIDDEN, SUSPENDED, UNCONFIRMED or have the NOEXPIRE flag set will be displayed. If multiple options are given, all nicks matching at least one option will be displayed. These options are limited to Services admins. Examples: LIST *!joeuser@foo.com Lists all registered nicks owned by joeuser@foo.com. LIST *Bot*!*@* Lists all registered nicks with Bot in their names (case insensitive). LIST * NOEXPIRE Lists all registered nicks which have been set to not expire.
Syntax: /msg NickServ ALIST [nickname] [level] With no parameters, lists channels you have access on. With one parameter, lists channels that nickname has access on. With two parameters lists channels that nickname has level access or greater on. This use limited to Services admins.
Syntax: /msg NickServ GLIST [nickname] Without a parameter, lists all nicknames that are in your group. With a parameter, lists all nicknames that are in the group of the given nick. This use limited to Services admins.
Syntax: /msg NickServ GETPASS nickname Returns the password for the given nickname. Note that whenever this command is used, a message including the person who issued the command and the nickname it was used on will be logged and sent out as a WALLOPS/GLOBOPS. This command is unavailable because encryption is enabled.
Syntax: /msg NickServ FORBID nickname [reason] Disallows a nickname from being registered or used by anyone. May be cancelled by dropping the nick. On certain networks, reason is required.
Services admins may use the ALL parameter with any nick.