FAQs about GeekShed’s Spamfilter

GeekShed maintains a spamfilter of URLs and phrases that are blocked network wide. Most of the entries on the list got there because someone was spamming the information on the network. Some entries are added because they link to malware, porn, or another kind of less than desirable site.

What happens when someone triggers the spamfilter in a channel?

If you make a statement or action in a channel that includes a URL or phrase on the spamfilter list, your text will be blocked completely. No one in the channel will see what you said (though you will probably see it). Immediately after the text, you’ll see one of these messages:

   * Message blocked: Spamfilter match. Do NOT attempt to 
     get around this filter. If you think it is an error, 
     tell us in #help 

   * Message blocked: Spam URL

What happens when someone triggers the spamfilter in a private message?

Your text will also be blocked completely if you send a private message (PM) that includes a URL or phrase on the spamfilter list. The person you were trying to message will not see the message at all and will not know you tried to send a PM.

You’ll see this message in your status window or a query window, with <nick> replaced with the person you were sending the message:

   * Message to <nick> blocked: Spamfilter match. Do NOT  
     attempt to get around this filter. If you think it is  
     an error, tell us in #help

What happens when someone triggers the spamfilter in a channel topic?

Your topic will not be set if you try to include text that is on the spamfilter list. Instead, you’ll see this message in your status window or in the channel:

   * Setting of topic on #channel to that text is blocked: 
     Spamfilter match. Do NOT attempt to get around this 
     filter. If you think it is an error, tell us in #help

What is the punishment for triggering the spamfilter?

If you accidentally trigger the spamfilter, generally nothing happens. Just take note of the warning, and do not attempt to get around the filter or continue posting the blocked text.

If you continue to trigger the spamfilter, you may be banned from the network.

Does anyone else know when someone triggers the spamfilter?

Network staff will see a message that says you triggered the spamfilter. No one else will know (unless you tell them).

Can I see the list of words, phrases, and URLs on the spamfilter list?

No, we don’t provide a list to avoid abuse or misuse of the information. Do you honestly think we’d want to post a list of malware, porn, and undesirable sites?

Can someone add URLs or phrases to the spamfilter list for their channel?

Not exactly. Only network staff can add text to the GeekShed spamfilter. However, you can use the extended ban type ~T to block specific phrases from your channel, essentially, creating your own private spamfilter.


—posted by Tengrrl/Bunny

How to Block Private Messages (PMs)

Private messages (PMs), as the name implies, pass only between two users on the network. any registered users on GeekShed can use the commands /msg, /query, and /notice to send PMs to each other.

There are times when you’re just not up for conversation or a troll is bothering you with lots of private comments. One simple solution is to block your private messages (PMs). The command to block all PMs is easy:

/umode2 +D

If you use mnemonics to remember commands, the “D” stands for Deaf. Enter that command exactly, and you should no longer receive PMs from other users on the network. Note that IRCops (network staff) can still PM you.

When someone tries to PM you, they will see a message like this from the server:

Message to '<your nick here>' not delivered: User does not accept private messages 

TIP: This command is not persistent (or permanent). You have to enter the command every time you connect to GeekShed. If you’re using a client that can perform commands when you connect to a network, you can use that capability to make sure PMs are always blocked.

How to Unblock Private Messages

To reverse the command all you have to do is change the plus to a minus, like this:

/umode2 -D

Private Messages with Unregistered Users

Private messages from unregistered users are automatically blocked on GeekShed. This default setting helps protect everyone against spammers. If you don’t want these message blocked, just follow the instructions to receive Private Messages with Unregistered Users.


—posted by Tengrrl/Bunny