Using the LightIRC Client on GeekShed
Welcome to all the LightIRC users who now call GeekShed home. LightIRC is a Flash IRC client that can be embedded on a web page. Earlier this year, LightIRC developer Valentin Manthei shut down his own IRC server and made GeekShed the default server for the LightIRC client.
What is the server information for connecting LightIRC to GeekShed?
If you use the Connect button on the LightIRC homepage, youll connect to GeekShed automatically. The address redirects to the GeekShed network.
If you want to configure the client yourself, point to, port 6667, and policy port 843.
Where do you get help for LightIRC?
While GeekShed is the default network for LightIRC, GeekShed network staff do not provide the technical support for the client. If you have a question about using LightIRC, visit the clients website and its FAQ/Help Wiki.
If you cant find an answer to your question in the online help, visit the official support channel for LightIRC: #lightIRC on GeekShed. Keep an eye out for the user Valentin, the developer of the client.
—Posted by tengrrl